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Including Kettlebells in Your Workout Plan

By Greg Diener

Throughout the world there have been different types of types of exercises used with kettlebells. In the different methods that are used include the Swing (one and two armed versions), the Snatch, the Jerk (not the Steve Martin movie) and the Turkish Get-Up among others. These different workout styles can be combined like in other versions of weightlifting. These various combinations consist of the Press and Thruster, the Clean and Press and the Clean and Jerk. They are just a few of the many different versions you get in a kettlebell workout.

The first kettlebell exercise, the Swing, is the exercise most connected with kettlebell training. The Swing is precisely what it seems like. Starting with the kettlebell between your feet, you squat and grab the kettlebell by its handle. The next move is to lightly pull the kettlebell in front of you to begin the swinging motion. You swing the kettlebell with either one or two hands, depending on your level of proficiency, between your legs. The swing consists of a squatting-to-standing action that will help in the overall swing exercise. Your body should almost act like a pendulum during the swing with powerful, fluid movement of the body. The second movement is the Turkish Get-Up. This involves lying on the floor with the kettlebell beside you. The Turkish Get-Up will take you through a series of movements that bring you from the floor, to grasping the kettlebell and pressing the kettlebell into the air, and then finishing with in a standing position. This is a very complicated exercise with several various movements that help to increase balance and core strength.

The next workout in your exercise is the Jerk. When you are doing kettlebell training it is compromised of simply handling the kettlebell over your shoulder. At this position you will slightly bend your knees and move your arms and legs high simultaneously. Now you should drop the kettlebell from below you knees which should be bent and then complete it by holding you arms straight and then pressing the weight upwards. It is essential to end you exercise with the movement being straight, with your kettlebell held high over your head.

The fourth kettlebell movement is the Clean. This action focuses on extending the kettlebell from a stationary position on the floor, between your legs, to the chest. It begins with a squat to grab the kettlebell's handle, then driving through the legs to lift the kettlebell, while curling it into position. The Clean will finish its action where Jerk starts; with the kettlebell racked at shoulder level. The final exercise to be discussed is the Press. The Press is a simpler form of the Jerk; it does not require action from the legs. It is simply driving the kettlebell into the air from the racked position at chest and shoulder level. As mentioned before, there are several differences to each exercise and many of the kettlebell exercises can be combined to form a more extreme exercise.

Kettlebell training requires the participant to be very accurate in the culmination of the exercises. Accuracy is stressed not only because it will help secure the proper results, but because consistency aids in the prevention of injuries as well. Training with a licensed kettlebell trainer will also help prevent injury and add to the effectiveness of your training program. Using a certified kettlebell instructor will insure that you are completing the kettlebell exercises correctly. This is not meant to be an instructional piece, but merely a elementary introduction into some of the exercises used in kettlebell training. Please remember to find a licensed kettlebell instructor before beginning any type of kettlebell training program.

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